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1. General Instructions2. Publishing Instructions

When you Login a new header bar is activated. Through this menu bar you can access to the backend private area, which allows you to set and edit all settings.

After you logged in you can see a link that allows you to manage your Profile.

The header menu bar gives access to the backend area, which allows you to set and edit all settings.

Setting your public profile

First thing to do after registering to the winetourer website, is setting your profile. Settings tab will remain private, but the About will be visible to other users. When you are happy with the information added, press “save”.

Inside the “About” Tab select “Edit Profile”

clicca sull’immagine per ingrandire

then select “Expand”

clicca sull’immagine per ingrandire

Some fields as Company Name, Social, Phone number, are common to all languages, although “Company information” field changes for any language Tab.

clicca sull’immagine per ingrandire

Organizer Plus and PREMIUM have the capability to publish Events and also Wine Experiences. They can also create their own Public Profile, which will be searched and seen by website users.

Publish Events

Just open the Events menu and add a New Event. The event page already has instructions. When you are done clic Publish.

It is important to set:

  • Language. If you wnat to create a corresponding page in another language,after you have published your job, click on the + sign near the flag.
  • Featured Image (bottom right corner)
  • Date and Time
  • Venue
  • Details of the Organizer
  • Event Category (in the column on the right)

Even though optional, you can also set:

  • Price
  • Tag
  • Event Status
  • Publishing date and time

click on the picture to enlarge

Publish Wine Experience (only PLUS and Premium users)

Cliec on the Wine Experience menu area and hit “New Post”. Do not forget the following details

  1. Add a Wine Experience title.
  2. Insert all details of your Inserisci Wine Experience, like service offered, venue, timetable, contacts, price. You can set your favourite format, without limitations
  3. Set the language. If you want to create If you wnat to create a corresponding page in another language,after you have published your job, click on the + sign near the flag.
  4. Set the Featured Image (in the column on the right) which will appear ad header in your wine experience. We suggest to use a high resolution image for a correct appearance on website.
  5. Chose the applicable categories
  6. Click Publish on the column on the right to publish your Wine Experience

click on the picture to enlarge

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