Pink Positive
Pink Positive : 12 May in the Treviso area with tasting tables, talks and masterclasses
Pink Positive is scheduled for May 12, 2023 in Casier di Treviso. The event, dedicated to enthusiasts, operators and sommeliers, allows you to deepen your knowledge of rosé wines through tastings at the tasting counters of over 50 wineries, talks and masterclasses.
Opening of the event.
Free entry for talks and music
Participation ticket € 25.00 includes:
talk, wine tasting at tasting counters, tasting of gastronomic excellences present, a dish of
Venetian tradition prepared by the Chef della Pasina.
Talk in the Pasina event hall
“Italian rosés, between tradition and innovation”. Moderated by the journalist Cristiana Sparvoli.
Renata Garofano Delegate Puglia DDV and Marianna Cardone National Vice President DDV, “Puglia is confirmed as the leading region for the production of rosé wine”.
OENOITALIA, The elegance of rosé vinification.
Gaia Gottardo VINOLOK “Packaging innovation between elegance, reliability and sustainability”.
Cristina Mascanzoni Kaiser WINEHO “Wine between promotion and training”.
Andrea Da Ros National FISAR Teacher “Why choose a rosé wine in a 360° contest”.
Tasting at tasting tables in the garden of the Pasina
19.30 – 20.30
Masterclass “The charm of the Apulian natives in rosé winemaking”
Cost of participation: € 25.00
In collaboration with the Trevigiani Panificatori Group and the producers of Puglia
Leads Titti dell’Erba DDV Puglia Ambassador of Bere Puglia DOC
HOURS 21.00 -22.00
Masterclass “Italian Rosés and Casatella Trevigiana DOP”
In collaboration with the Consortium for the Protection of Casatella Trevigiana DOP cheese
Conducted by Elisa De Polo, FISAR Treviso teacher
The Food Corners will give you the opportunity to taste the gastronomic excellences of the Veneto region.
Press office
Cristiana Spargoli Professional journalist
+339 640 7633
Project and Organization
Venetian elegance
Lionel Genovese
347 57 13 469
Event sponsored by FISAR Treviso
Why participate
To taste and compare the various wines, but above all to get to know them through an important selection that will represent the different geographical areas
with a focus on Puglia, traditionally suited to the production of rosé wine.
Guests of this event will be some Austrian winemakers who will have the pleasure of promoting their rosés produced from native vines in Burgenland.
There will be some gastronomic excellences, such as the typical Venetian cheeses presented by APROLAV and the Casatella Trevigiana DOP, the Prosciutto Veneto DOP of the Prosciuttificio Crosare, the bakery products of the Trevigiani Panificatori Group and the possibility of accessing the buffet where it will be presented by
chef of the Pasina a first course of the season.